Posts in Operations
Hire Slow, Fire Fast

“Hire slow, fire fast" is an important philosophy for agencies to follow. By taking the time to find the right candidates who are a good cultural fit—and acting quickly to remove employees who are not a good fit—you can improve retention rates, reduce turnover, and maintain productivity.

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Improving The Employee Experience With 'Vision Casting'

Vision statements do a good job of inspiring people to join and/or buy-in to helping an organization achieve their vision. The downside to a vision statement is that it doesn't connect the dots for many people working in an organization. Although they want to be part of the vision, they are not always sure how they fit in. And this is where vision casting with an org chart fits in. When an organization vision casts with an org chart, it helps people understand the roles in the organization that are needed to help the company achieve its vision. When people see the roles available, then they are able to see where they fit in.

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OperationsJeff Meade
Break Your Agency's Bottlenecks

Bottlenecks in business are easy to identify as they have a longer wait time that other parts of a workflow. Those times when you're thinking -- why is that taking so long. That's probably a good indication that you have a bottleneck. My goal with this article is to help you identify and remedy bottlenecks that may be hindering your ability to grow. 

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OperationsJeff Meade